New Year's Resolutions

Have you made your New Year's Resolution?  Struggling to keep up with it?  Life is a process. There are no quick fixes. Trust the process.  Give us a call and let us help.  

Daniel Samms

Dan Samms lives his life hoping that when he dies his obituary looks something like this: “Daniel Samms, husband to Christy, father to Micah, Hannah, and Jayna, and pastor to a local underground church died Friday when authorities executed him for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in defiance to anti-proselytization mandates. He was known for loving God and loving people and seemed to operate on a strength not his own. He made disciples of Jesus and taught them how to make other disciples. He hated tyranny, loved guns, and liked woodwork. He loved only one woman and spent every day trying to impress her and glorify God. His children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren all follow Christ. Services will be held at an undisclosed location due to government sanctions.”

Teaching our kids about privacy


Stress & Depression During the Holidays